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Garranyac, 2017


Performance (8 minutes)


Garranyac, 2017 / performance / Museu de la Pell, Vic / photo: H.AAC Vic.
main page photo: Michael Lawton


If as humans we use words to classify the world, both as a means of understanding and of control (after all we know how fearsome the unnamed is,) onomatopoeias are a paradigm of our desire to conquer; our desire to make the world our own, its sounds included.


“Garranyac” is a performance using all of the recognised onomatopoeias in the Catalan language, commissioned as part of an exhibition in the Museum of Leather Craftwork in Vic (Museu de l’Art de la Pell.) The performance was made from a slightly nonhuman scale, a displacement gesture (from the floor to the ceiling) as well as an onomatopoeic reading in a museum that makes no mention of the origin of the leather within it.



S’encén el llum de l’Ariadna. «Tat!,
Ah!, bang, blong, bra, bub, bub, catacling, buà,
catacling, catalang, cataclong, cloc,
scrontx, tralarala, nyec-nyec, tralarà,
quecquerequec, meu, mau, coccorococ,
xi, xiu-xiu, nyigo-nyago, xeu-xeu, ba,
zim-zam, zum-zum, ziau, zuuz, zuip, croc,
nyeu, patapam, patapum, pam, plaf, plof,
trump, trump, trump, trump pa trump, trump,
[trump» i «xof!»
I l’Ariadna es queda a dalt la biga.
La gent es va apartant de la paret.


→ Documentation by Jaume Coll Mariné (CAT) ?


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